5 Tips on How to Choose the Right Video Production Company

5 Tips on How to Choose the Right Video Production Company
video production

If you have already decided to use a video, the next logical step is to find the right video production company to help your visions come to life. Whether you’re making commercials or corporate videos, finding the right production company is crucial to your success.

Here are five valuable tips to smoothen out your search for the right video production company:

1. Pay attention only to video production companies that specialize in what you need

There’s no point proceeding with interviews or spending time going through portfolios if the company doesn’t do the type of video you need or at least have had a previous project similar to what you’re looking for. For instance, if you need a 3D animated video, narrow down your choices to the ones that can provide you with at least three demos of those. Don’t easily trust words saying they can do it if they can’t back it up with video samples!

2. Don’t base your decisions solely on their demo reel

Sure, their demos can tell you a lot about their work quality, but it’s also possible that they’re merely interpretations of their previous clients’ visions. So, take your time to observe how well they understand your needs. The company you hire must be able to communicate with you and have a firm grasp of your ideas and visions.

3. Reach out to previous clients

Besides focusing on their ability to deliver amazing videos, you must also consider their reliability. You want to make sure that you are hiring a video production company that can deliver on time and dedicate its resources to your project. One way to know if your prospects have these qualities is by talking to some of their previous clients. Ask them questions that will help you understand whether or not the company is what you are looking for.

4. Don’t compromise quality for a cheaper production cost

You might be tempted to go for a video production team that promises a video that costs significantly larger than what other bidders are offering. However, you must beware of such offers. If the offer sounds too good to be true, it probably is! Reputable video production companies know how valuable their services are, so if you get an offer that’s too low, that might be reflective of the quality of their work.

5. Consider your long term plans

While you might be able to save money by hiring a different team for every project you have, you might be sacrificing quality and consistency when you do this. If you can see yourself needing video production services in the foreseeable future, you might want to look for a company that you can tap every time you have a project. This way, you can achieve a more uniform look and establish an aesthetic that’s uniquely yours on your social media or website. Also, working with a team that already knows what you want is so much easier than explaining your visions to a new company every time!


The video production company that you choose plays a big role in the outcome of your project. This is why it’s extremely important that you take your time in choosing the right team. Don’t rush and hire the first team that responds to your ad. Remember that in the end, it would be your name or brand that would be associated with the video, so make sure you’ll have a team of people who can deliver a video you can be proud of!

If you are looking for a professional video production company in Vancouver, the experts at Backlot Media are here for you. Our team of talented writers, directors, animators, videographers, photographers, and producers has over 75 years of creating astounding videos for our clients. Connect with us today to know more about our services and see how we can be the right team for you!

Picture of Raffaele di Nicola

Raffaele di Nicola

Technical Director @ Backlot Media





+1 (604) 916-1748


422 Richards St #170, Vancouver, BC V6B 2Z4

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