Info Overload & What That Means for Video Marketers
Online videos are always going to be more concise than written messaging because they can convey information on more levels simultaneously than a written message can. Of course, there are bad videos just like there is bad writing. But a well-executed video can provide much more info in a shorter time. AND, a range of […]
Helping You Thrive: PSA for the Veterans Transition Network
We are very thrilled to post our Directors Cut for the Veterans Transition Network PSA spots we created with the wonderful people over at VTN. Dr. Marv, Victoria, Tim and everyone else – we thank you so much for letting us learn about the great challenges you have undertaken, to help our veterans achieve a […]
3 Smart Ways to Use Videos for SMEs
Facebook favors the visibility of videos for SMEs, uploaded directly to the social network, penalizing instead the links from the Youtube competitor. On Twitter, instead, the clash took place at the last shot between Periscope and Meerkat. These data highlight the potential that videos have for international as well as local businesses. Here are three […]
7 Good Reasons Why Video Production Is the Best Method Of Advertising
At present around 37 percent of the web includes video production. Since the invention of film, this has been an efficient method of reaching and influencing an audience in the form of advertising and the most widespread of these has been television commercials. Overtime film has obviously progressed and adapted to function in the present […]