4 Reasons Video Marketing Is Effective and Why You Need It

Everyone knows just how effective videos are when it comes to using them for marketing purposes. After all, a video can display stunning images with music and possibly commentary, making this type of content extremely interesting and engaging. If you have yet to implement video marketing in your business, do so right away. Any delay means lost potential customers that could have easily been drawn to you. As you may have observed over the years, videos can resonate well with people because they are compelling and easily digestible for public consumption. In this article, we will share what you need to know about the impact of video marketing on your business and why it's an investment worth making.
Two women making a corporate demonstration video

Need better reasons than “video marketing is great” to implement video marketing into your content marketing plan? If so, then here are four more reasons to consider!


1. Boosts your SEO efforts


Search engines see videos as high-quality content. Add that to the fact that most users prefer to watch videos over other types of content, and your website will likely enjoy plenty of traffic. All these factors working together means an overall boost to your website’s metrics that improves your SEO efforts and rankings.


That said, this does not mean that any video will work for you. The videos you upload need to utilize strong titles and the right keywords to perform exceptionally well.


2. Engaging on social media


Videos are found everywhere on social media platforms, and for a good reason: They are highly engaging. They are a great way to catch people’s attention as they quickly scroll through posts. Also, videos enjoy an incredibly high rate of shares, meaning that you enjoy what is essentially free advertising. All you do is upload it, and your audience will share it with others, bringing more attention to your brand.


3. Acts as a competitive advantage


Not every business uses video marketing in their content marketing strategy. Those that do not implement video marketing claim that video marketing is too expensive or that it is not worth the time and effort. Of course, this is because they have not tried it out at all. This is perfect for you because you can give yourself a massive competitive advantage when you do implement it. 


4. Easily remembered by the audience


Of all the types of content that customers often run into, the ones they remember most vividly and for the longest time are videos. While they may not be able to recall exactly the content, what they will be able to recall is the brand associated with it. As such, when you implement video marketing, customers will far more easily recognize you. When the time comes that they need something you offer, they will remember to come to you.




When you consider all the benefits above, it becomes clear that there is no reason you should not implement video marketing into your content marketing strategy. However, if you want one more reason, think of this: Video marketing builds trust.


The one thing that videos can do that not many other content types can is to evoke and display emotions. These emotions can lead to a sense of trust that can solidify into a strong relationship between customers and businesses. In the long run, that trust is going to turn into loyal customers who are willing to put you first on their go-to list whenever they need a service or a product you offer.


Backlot Media is a Vancouver video production company that offers services to growing organizations and businesses. If you need help with video production in Vancouver for marketing purposes, work with us today!

Picture of Raffaele di Nicola

Raffaele di Nicola

Technical Director @ Backlot Media

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